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Quick Business Tip – How powerful is “being pleasant” in business?

Tuesday May 16, 2017

How To Deal With Holiday Breaks.

Business owners choose the way they run their businesses and often the business is a reflection of themselves, especially how they behave under pressure.

Think about it, when you deal with small businesses, do you appreciate grumpy, non-attentive people or people who show like they really don’t care that you are there? It’s for this reason, a small business owner’s default state must be to be pleasant to everyone they come in contact with – customers, employees, suppliers, friends and aquaintances. Just watch the reciprocal benefits of those people you touch when you give out an aura of positivity, confidence and degree of care for those you are communicating with.

If you want a positive relationship with people, start with what you put out to everyone and watch how this will reward you endlessly.

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