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Quick Business Tip – How Powerful Is Your Instinct?

Thursday May 26, 2016

How Powerful Is Your Instinct?

The best business people out there run on instinct. They make better decisions most of the time. Do they make mistakes? Of course they do. Do they get better results overall? Most of the time.

Why is this so? Instinct would be directly correlated to experience. To get experience, more decisions have to be made. Courageous decisions and not consistently conservative ones. So, how do you put yourself in the environment of having so many interesting decisions to make? Set some lofty goals. Then, the opportunities will materialise (like they always have, but, you weren’t mentally ready for them). Have the courage to go on your instinct and make sure you do your upmost to deliver on that activity so that it would make it possible to be achieved. The more decisions you make that are challenging, the more results you will have and the outcomes will be staggering. Brad Sugars once taught me – “work out what you fear the most, and just do it.” That has kept me in good stead.

Naturally, that’s what I do with my clients. I teach them how to continuously make better decisions, not reckless ones and that’s why they get the results.

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