Remember the days when you were on top of the world whilst running your business? How do you bottle that up and repeat it? You must think of the environment. What was the environment that you were in that made that possible? More importantly, what is the ideal environment that you need to create to be at your absolute best? Do you work better indoors or outdoors? Are you more in the zone when working with others or alone? Why spend the rest of your life just putting up with an environment when you should be working on creating that environment so that you can shape the best possible YOU? Personally, I like versatility. I like structure, but, not for long. I like the versatility of being indoors, going very tight on appointments and then outdoors, working from cafes, parks and seaside to balance off the week with occasional treats along the way.
Find your perfect YOU and unleash it on the world. You deserve nothing less if you choose to apply yourself to that objective.
Check out all the great places in Melbourne to do business from on these websites: