Is that an odd question? Surely the business owner does. Dig deeper and you may find that either no one is running it or the people surrounding the business owner are indirectly running it for them. Hmm. How is this possible?
Business owners can get so wound up around their customers, employees and supplier pressures that they subconsciously succumb to their whims and by default forget through distraction about their real purpose of what they’re really trying to do with their business. They basically go into auto-pilot and just focus on their next sale opportunity or the next pay they need to make, or the stock they need. Basically “ground hog day”.
So, it takes us back to the original question. Who is running your business? If that is sounding too familiar, please contact me and we’ll get started on creating a clear vision for the first 12 months and then a 5 Year Vision. After that you will be guided on specific actions to help you achieve those goals. Then you will truly run your business and keep all those other distractions at bay as normal things that need to be addressed either by you or your growing team, but, always remembering that working on the business is the most important time in your day to run a super succesful business.