The secret is out. Be consistent in everything you do. We can easily relate to going to the gym or getting a personal trainer and then missing out on sessions and hence momentum. Likewise, quality of food and drink intake can initially be spot on and then bad habits creep in. We also know very well that if we didn’t do that we would achieve our desired goals. That’s why consistency is the recipe for your success, whatever you are interested in.
In particular, as a business owner, you have the opportunity to get the best of both worlds, time and money. When I coach business owners I see all of the behaviours that either help them being successful or get in the way of them being successful. But, without any doubt, the best performers come to all their sessions without exceptions or excuses regardless of completing all their tasks. They get a reset during the session and rebound positively for the period ahead. Avoidance behaviour is the biggest danger of business development. The biggest upsides come from greater adversity. Lessons are more valuable, but, they need to be reflected on and tweaked for positive outcomes.
If this sounds like you, reach out and we’ll see what we need to do.