This is a very important thing I learnt very early on in my busines life. I compare this to elite athletes. You can imagine, when you are all keen and pumped to do something, it’s no challenge. But, what do you do when you can’t be bothered? Some people even get themselves so wound up about not being bothered without realising that they get sick with common colds and flus etc. Let’s face it, what happens when we unwind on holidays? Often we get sick, why, because there is no pressure. This just happened to me at my last holiday in Port Douglas.
I believe, what you do when you can’t be bothered will either give you ordinary results in business in the long run if you slacken off or amazing results if you push on because your competition switches off in the same circumstances. You often see high energy small business people rarely get sick because they never switch off, however, they get amazing results. I’m all for holidays and switching off, but, I see far too many people switching off during business time. So, my suggestion is, catch yourself when the presure is off and see how you behave as this will give you a great clue as to how you need to tweak your behaviour if you are keen for amazing results.
Let’s face it, luck is only preceded by amazing and continuous focus on good and challenging days.
Enjoy the day!!!